reformation english tour
Martin Luther Geburtshaus
Luther Wittenberg Lutherhaus
UNESCO Tour Martin Luther Wartburg Eisenach
© Andreas Weise / Thüringer Tourismus GmbH
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©compact tours

Martin Luther and the history of the Reformation: 7 Days Tour with English speaking guide

From  427,00  p.P

The most extensive sight-seeing “Reformation English Tour”. This 7 days tour takes you into the life and times of Martin Luther.

Get to know the places of living and work of the famous Reformator in Thuringia, Sachsen-Anhalt and Saxony. Our experienced tour guide will accompany you during the trip.

  • 1 overnight stay and breakfast at 3* or 4* hotels in Eisenach
  • 2 overnight stay and breakfast at 3* or 4* hotel in Erfurt
  • 1 overnight stay and breakfast at 3* hotel in Eisleben area
  • 1 overnight stay and breakfast at 3* or 4* hotel in Leipzig
  • Experienced tour guide throughout the whole trip.
  • All entrance fees according to the programme
  • Many guided tours according to the programme

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Martin Luther: the reformation english tour

Day 1 – Arrival in Eisenach

In Eisenach, you will be met by your experienced English-speaking tour guide. Learn more about Martin Luther in his role as theologian, father of a family, reformer and an outstanding person on the reformation english tour.

Our first destination of the reformation english tour is the Wartburg Castle – one of the most famous landmarks of Germany. After a 10 minute walk up the mountain we reach the castle. This ist the place where Martin Luther translated the New Testament from Ancient Greek into German. The almost well preserved Luther room will let you feel the spirit of history.

Accommodation and breakfast in your hotel in Eisenach.

Day 2 – Eisenach – Möhra – Gotha – Erfurt

After rich breakfast, you will go on a sight-seeing tour through the town of Eisenach. As a child, Luther sang and took part in the service in Eisenachs Georgenkirche. Years later, he returned to preach in this church.

The “Lutherhaus” in Eisenach (now with a Luther Memorial) was undeniable one of Luther´s flats as he studied Latin in this town overshadowed by the dark romantic Wartburg Castle. During your visit, take a closer look at Luther´s school reports. Take advantage of an opportunity to explore time-honoured Eisenach on your own or to have lunch during your free time.

The reformation english tour continues to Möhra. The village church houses an exhibition, presented by the pastor.

Gotha with its Augustinian monastery and the monastery church awaits you. Luther preached here on his way to Worms in 1521. Donations are welcome.

Transfer to Erfurt.

Accommodation and breakfast in your hotel in Erfurt.

Day 3 – Erfurt – Mühlhausen – Bad Langensalza – Erfurt

The day starts with a guided tour through the historical centre of Erfurt. The Krämerbrücke (Merchants’ bridge) is a famous medieval bridge, the longest bridge in Europe with buildings that are inhabited. It is a unique construction in Europe. The Bridge is for pedestrian traffic only. There was a church at each of the two ends of the bridge and the Aegidien Church on the eastern side still exists today.

St. Mary’s Cathedral in Erfurt is the very place, where Martin Luther took holy orders in 1507.

The route crosses the “Fischmarkt” and reaches the well-preserved Augustinian monastery. Hereyou will enjoy an entertaining guided tour through the museum and Luther´s room, where he lived as a monk.

Then you will travel by bus to Mühlhausen, a center of the Reformation, which is closely connected with the name of Thomas Müntzer. The theologian and revolutionary was a strong admirer of Luther first, but then they became opponents during the Peasant Wars. The historic old town of Mühlhausen is a picturesque place for tourists in the 21st century. Take some time for a stroll and to enjoy your lunch.

After lunch we will visit Mühlhausen´s Marienkirche, the domain of Thomas Müntzers as Theologian.

Bad Langensalza is our last stop for today. Martin Luther visited the local Augustinian monastery as vicar in 1516.

Transfer to Erfurt.

Accommodation and breakfast in your hotel in Erfurt.

Day 4 – Erfurt – Weimar -Mansfeld

Today you will visit Weimar. The St. Peter and Paul Church with the Luther pulpit is one of the attractions, which are linked with Martin Luther. Furthermore, Weimar is one of the most beautiful German cities – famous for its great combination of the history of the city and Germany’s most important poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Take a tour through the European Capital of Culture of 1999.

Mansfeld, which was the centre of  the copper and silver mining in Mediaval Times, was the place of Martin Luther´s childhood. On the tour you will be shown Luther´s parental home as well as Georgenkirche, where young Martin Luther worked as an altar boy. The golden chalice touched by the hands of Luther is still here.

Accommodation and breakfast in your hotel in the Mansfeld area

Day 5 – Eisleben und Leipzig

Eisleben – officially named Lutherstadt Eisleben – is the famous hometown of Martin Luther. Luther came into this world and also left it here. The house where he was born and the house where he died is now a museum.

In Luther´s  house of birth a museum is hosting contemporary Bible translations, many portraits of Luther and a true-to-original reproduction of the room, where he was born.

The remains of Luther´s baptismal font can be seen in Eislebens Sankt-Petri-Paul-Church.

Luther´s last residence is also part of today´s tour.

After a break we travel on to Leipzig. A city tour will introduce you to the most important attractions of this old trading town. Martin Luther is linked with the town in many ways. Pleißenburg castle was the “arena” for the famous Leipzig Dispute, a theological disputation between Johannes Eck and Martin Luther.

Leipzig´s St Thomas’ Church (Thomaskirche) is home to the famous Thomanerchor and was founded in 1212. Composer Johann Sebastian Bach was cantor of this choir from 1723 until his death in 1750. Martin Luther preached here in 1539. An iron plate with the Luther rose on it commemorates the fact.

The rest of the day of the reformation english tour you have time to get your own personal impressions of Leipzig.

Optional, we will be pleased to reserve a few tables in the famous Leipzig restaurant “Auerbach´s cellar” (Auerbachs Keller). Luther visited tis place disguised as “Junker Joerg” in 1521. That was a dangerous venture for “Outlaw” Luther and he barely escaped his persecutors.

Accommodation and breakfast in your hotel in Leipzig

Day 6 – Leipzig – Nimbschen – Torgau -Wittenberg

Grimma (Nimbschen) was the place where Luther´s later wife Katharina von Bora lived as a nun in the Marienthron monastery. The monastery is in ruins today but still worth a visit.

Katharina, who no longer want to be a nun, was freed with other eight nuns by a merchant named Leonhard Koppe and, as the story goes, came to Torgau hidden in a barrel or behind barrels of herring. Luther was the initiator of this escape. Later he and Katharina became spouses. Ironically, Katharina was only Luther´s second choice

The journey takes us now to Torgau. The local castle chapel of Hartenfels castle was the first new-built protestant church in Germany and was consecrated by Martin Luther in 1544. Luther and his friend Melanchton were always welcome guests at the castle of Hartenfels.

The house, where Katharina von Bora died, is our next stop. The “Katharina-Luther-Stube” gives an detailed insight into the lives of Katahrina and Martin Luther.

Torgau´s Marienkirche, which is also a stop during the tour, houses the tomb of Katharina von Bora.

The reformation english tour continues in Wittenberg.

Wittenberg´s Castle Church is the iconic place, where Martin Luther nailed his legendary 95 theses to the church doors in 1517. This was the “big bang” for the Reformation, which changed the worlds history forever. Here you wiil find  Luther´s grave.

Luther´s residence, the Luther Hall, is the highlight of Wittenberg and the largest Luther museum worldwide. Here you can see Luther´s monk’s habit, the „Ten Commandments Panel“ by Lucas Cranach and many contemporary manuscripts and medals are part of the exhibition. The „Lutherstube“ is in its original condition. Luther´s famous table talks took place here.

Other places of interest are the monument of Luther, the Luther Oak, the Luther fountain and St Mary’s Church, where he preached very often. You will also have an opportunity to explore the city on your own.

A farewell dinner in Wittenberg (optional) with the 5-course-menu “Luthermahl” is accompanied by medieval music and a play that provides a humorous insight into Luther´s and Katharina von Bora´s everyday life.  Return to Leipzig.

Accommodation and breakfast in your hotel in Leipzig.

Day 7 – Heimreise

After this interesting reformation english tour you start the journey home after breakfast. What about an extension tour?

Haike Schmidt Compact Tours

Haike Schmidt

Travel expert and

If you have further queries,
please call
030 44673930

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All travel services at a glance

All travel services at a glance:

  • 1 overnight stay and breakfast at 3* or 4* hotel in Eisenach
  • 2 overnight stay and breakfast at 3* or 4* Hotel in Erfurt
  • 1 overnight stay and breakfast at 3* Hotel in the Eisleben area
  • 2 overnight stay and breakfast at 3* or 4* Hotel in Leipzig
  • Experienced tour guide throughout the whole trip.
  • 1 x entrance Lutherhouse Eisenach
  • 1 x entrance Wartburg
  • Guided tour Möhra (by the local pastor)
  • 1 x entrance and guided tour Augustinian monastery in Gotha
  • 1 x entrance fee Cathedral in Erfurt
  • 1 x entrance fee and guided tour Augustinian monastery Erfurt
  • 1 x guided tour Reichsstädtisches Archiv Mühlhausen
  • 1 x guided tour Augustinerkloster Bad Langensalza
  • 1 x entrance fee Luthers fathers house Mansfeld
  • 1 x entrance fee birthplace and the house where Luther died in Eisleben
  • 1 x entrance fee St Thomas’ Church (Thomaskirche) Leipzig
  • 1 x entrance Hartenfels castle
  • 1 x entrance to the house where Katharina von Bora died
  • 1 x entrance fee Lutherhaus Wittenberg
  • 1 x entrance fee Melanchthonhaus Wittenberg


  • from 427,-€ per person in a double room
  • from 559,-€ per person in a single room

Saisonal price increase or discount:

Additional charges at high season and discounts at low season possible!

In price not included:

price for coach, meals and beverages, tips, parking fees

Minimum number of participants: 20 pax  (One free stay in a double room per 20 persons)

Optional Extras:

  • 6 x half board at the hotel as 3 course menu or buffet: 120,00 Euro per person
  • 4 x half board at the hotel as 3 course menu or buffet: 80,00 Euro per person
  • 1 x Dinner at the famous Auerbach´s  Cellar in Leipzig as 3 course menu: 25,00 Euro per person
  • 1 x Luther Meal in Wittenberg as 5 course menu with musical programme: 39,00 Euro per person
Haike Schmidt Compact Tours

Haike Schmidt

Travel expert and

If you have further queries,
please call
030 44673930

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